Monday 4 April 2011

How effective is the combination of the main product and ancillary texts?

From our audience research we have seen that the trailer has many good areas and also some things that we need to work on. We have found that our trailer was a good pace for the audience that we intended of 16 to 24. Our research also told us that the storylines we included were featured well and related well together. Some of the areas that we needed to work on for the trailer included: the flash back was not as relevant and the elements on facebook were hard to read so if we did it again I would change this.
Our research showed us that the poster worked well with the trailer as there was good interlinking as the image was the same on the poster as the final image on the trailer (apart from the bottle) to create mystery; however it was said by one that if the poster was seen first it was a bit confusing but clarified when the trailer was seen.
The TV listings image linked well with one of the main storylines as it included the same feeling of intimidation as was seen in the trailer. However the images from the poster and the TV listings are not linking well together as they show too many elements  for the one storyline on their own but when the trailer is added in they make sense.
As a promotional package feedback has told us that altogether they work well but if only one were seen then they are not as effective as we would have hoped.

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