Monday 4 April 2011

In what ways does you media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Trailer.
We included the channel 4 logo at the beginning and at the end of the trailer as this was the channel that the soap would be broadcast on. This is a convention of all soaps as it is also a way of advertising the channel. Another way of being conventional is that we had a list of Stock Characters and locations that the soap would use. This keeps the soap rolling on for a long time and shows a mixture of storylines from different characters. Although we had a list of stock characters we mainly focused on one storyline but in small 3 second intervals added some of the other characters and storylines. This would create an interest on that one story and hook viewers in to what will happen to the girl. We also mixed the storyline up a little by adding flash backs this was to not give too much away to the viewer but emphasise that there is more to the storyline than meets the eye. Focus on one main storyline is conventional for established soaps as it is usually a preview of the week’s episodes but for a new soap is unconventional as they mainly focus on introducing the place and the storylines. We decided that when we added flash backs they would be in black and white as this is a convention of many soaps doing flash backs that they are usually in black and white or they are slightly out of focus.  We added text throughout the soap trailer as this creates more powerful emotions than just moving images. This is a convention of many TV soap trailers. The background music that accompanies contains fast beats and is used to create a fast pace to the trailer. This is a convention of many teen dramas as they are more edgy and fast paced with quick camera techniques and editing as this is what a teen audience is looking for. Trailers on channel 4 mainly contain a lot of dialogue whereas those on the BBC contain less. We decided that even though our trailer was for viewing on channel 4, we would adhere to the BBC style of not having much dialogue - in fact we only have 2 sentences. We did this as we did not want to give too much away but just enough to create meaning to the images.

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